
Tasmanian Backpackers.

Situated in Bells Parade, Latrobe, near Devonport the hostel provides accommodation for working backpackers and international travellers with Hostel and Cabin options, numerous unpowered camping sites, a camp kitchen with free fast speed wi-fi to all rooms.

The complex is conveniently located, allowing patrons to enjoy the pleasant gardens and park settings alongside the Mersey River while also having the convenience of being able to walk to the CBD, which offers fine restaurants, clubs, hotels, shopping, and more.

Discover Tasmania

Nearby Attractions.

Tasmanian Backpackers serves as a convenient central base for visiting the state’s northern attractions and is only an eight-minute drive from the Ferry Terminal and just an hour and a half from Cradle Mountain/Lake St Clair National Park.

The Landcare group has created pleasant tree-lined grass pathways alongside the river, where platypuses forage for food at dusk and early morning, easily observed as they dive and surface in the shallow edges and eddies.

Delightfully Natural

Experience Nature and Comfort by the Mersey River

Tasmanian Backpackers is opposite Bells Parade, a 100 year old river garden, creating a picturesque picnic setting under ancient English Oaks beside the tranquil Mersey River.

Alongside the quiet and pleasant surroundings, easy access to the town and live in managers Tasmanian Backpackers ensures that your accommodation is a safe, secure and comfortable place to rest up and socialise after your day out on adventure or at the end of a hard days work.